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Our Mission

Providing cost-effective IT solutions to small to medium size businesses here in the Twin Cities. We combine safer "face-to-face" interaction with the cost-effectiveness of global sourcing
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airlines icon
  • Airlines
    Our largest projects in this area are typically market-based product offerings, designed to increase revenue or match competitors products. Usually it's necessary to balance the needs of Product Marketing versus Operations. Solutions must deliver financial results to the business, yet practical enough to be implemented within resource limitations.

Manufacturing icon
  • Manufacturing
    We have years of experience creating software applications for manufacturing firms. Primary focus of many of these projects has been to install and configure well known supply chain optimization software products into the systems of large manufacturing firms. Regardless of complexity, we've always been able to put together solutions for our clients. We believe each big challenge is just a series of smaller, managable issues we're able to handle.

Our original areas of strength were in the Airline / travel industry, and also in manufacturing. Recently, we've expanded into the service industry, allowing us to focus on website design, development and online marketing needs of small to medium sized companies here in the Twin Cities.

Please select one of the links above, to see detailed examples of our work at specific clients.