Services > Software Design > Systems Integration
Systems Integration
When integrating processes and data between 2 different systems, it's often desirable to have both a wide range of skills
(also specific background and experience with systems integration) to complete the job properly.
- Systems integration skills may be needed when a company is migrating from an
older legacy system to a newer platform.
- Corporate mergers and/or acuisititions often create a need to merge 2 completely
different systems. These systems were built independently, often using completely different database and/or applications development technologies.
- Other times, a company may simply outsource or
purchase existing applications, which must be integrated with existing processes.
Whatever the need, we're here to help make your system transitions as worry-free
as possible.
Our Systems Integration Skills
Most software applications are not developed from
scratch. Typically, new systems will replace (or need to integrate with)
processes belonging to one or more legacy applications.
To gain visibility to such legacy applications, expertise is usually needed in a
combination of 3 areas: Software platform (operating system), Database
technology, and Application development technology. Below is a partial
list of legacy application technology combinations for which we have performed
system itegration activities:
- IBM Mainframe / DB2 / Cobol
- IBM Mainframe / DB2 / Allfusion Gen - IEF
- IBM Mainframe / IDMS - CAS Manufacturing System / Cobol
- IBM Mainframe / IDMS / Cobol
- IBM Mainframe / IMS / Cobol
- VMS / Oracle / Cobol
- Linux / Oracle / Cobol
Our personnel have expertise in both legacy and .NET software application
development. We feel this gives us a unique ability to reverse engineer existing
legacy applications, unlocking needed functionality and/or requirements which
are important for the new systems.